Thursday, December 22, 2011

Rejoice Always


In response to Kimberli Marie's post.

Funny, because yesterday when she wrote this, I was studying for discipleship and we were going through a chapter called "God, My Heart, & Stuff" in the book "Worldliness". That chapter is basically talking about covetousness and discontentment with what we have. There was a verse in there that fit being content perfectly!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always
, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

I especially like the end part of that verse...FOR THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOU!!! So we should rejoice because our perfect God has a perfect plan for us.

Here's a quote from the chapter "If you measure true wealth by material assets, you won’t come out looking prosperous. Like everyone, you have more than some and not as much as many others. But if you measure your riches through what Christ did at Calvary - God's wrath appeased, our sin atoned, our soul redeemed - you're immediately transformed into the richest of the rich."

After reading that quote, I was so convicted! Why am I complaining? Why am I discontent with whatever circumstance I'm in? I have Christ! I have EVERYTHING I could possibly need to be satisfied! But yet my sinful self is looking else wear, to things that are perishable. What a fool! “Like everyone, you have more than some and not as much as many others.” God’s blessed me with A LOT already! Yet, I constantly want more.

2 Corinthians 8:9 "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich."


At first, when I knew we were going to study about materialism, I foolishly thought that it wouldn’t pertain to me. Thinking, it was going to be talking about coveting over wealth and riches. But materialism isn’t necessarily the clothes we wear or the house we live in. It can also be the drive of wanting a lot of friends, or a husband or wife, or baby, anything or anyone that we think will “satisfy” us.

In James 1, it talks about testing through trials and those who remain steadfast in trials will be blessed. It also says in verse 17, that every good gift and perfect gift is from above. I was telling my disciple today that we are eternally rich! Everything else, all the blessings God gives us is like an added bonus! We don’t necessarily need it because we already have all that we need to be satisfied, but yet God gives it to us anyways. And we should be forever grateful.

I remember a quote I read a while back that said something about when we’re discontent; we’re basically saying, “Jesus, you’re not enough”. It’s almost like a slap in the face. Discontentment means to be unsatisfied. Ask yourself when you are discontent, why are you not satisfied and who are you not satisfied with? Of course we’re not perfect and that’s ok because we have a God who is perfect. He can strengthen us to do all things (Phil 4:13), to be content! In Worldliness it says something about how it’s ok to have stuff, but not ok when our stuff has us. It’s ok to pray for things we desire but don’t live off of those desires. It’s ok to want a family, I think almost everyone wants a family, but don’t live for having a family. To live is Christ; to die is gain (Phil 1:21).

Just like Kimberli mentioned Matthew 6, in verse 33 it says “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Our minds should be on Christ and not distracted by our wants and desires. Quoted from Kimberli, “if you are discontent in your circumstance: fight! Don’t give up your pleas to the Lord for contentment until He answers! Don’t give up, He does fully satisfy. But when He acts, seek Him still more and more. He’s worth it!”

I remember actually talking to Kimberli once, and she reminded me that it's not necessarily about being content and ok with the circumstance we're given, but to be satisfied in Christ and what Christ is doing.

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