Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nursing Cover

So I know I haven't posted any nursery pictures yet. Well that's because...there is no nursery yet! We're still working on sanding that crib so we can paint it and I have yet to finish the crib bedding =D. But I did manage to finish a nursing cover! Nursing covers now and days are soooo expensive and all it really is, is a yard of fabric to cover yourself. I found this easy DIY off of Prudent Baby's blog that you can find here. This is probably one of the more easier projects I have going for me. I figured since I am having a boy, lately all my fabric purchases have been geared towards that but not this time! This project is for mama! Here's a picture of how mine turned out:

Baby Instaspamming

For those that don't follow me on Instagram, here's a round up of recent days carrying baby Blake. Less than a week until I am full term...hope to see this baby soon! ;)