This song has been playing quite a lot on K-LOVE lately...even though K-LOVE sure does play quite a lot of songs on repeat. But here are the lyrics to Jeremy Camp's There Will Be A Day. It's a great song, especially when you listen to the lyrics. I love these lyrics.
I try to hold on to this world with everything I have
But I feel the weight of what it brings, and the hurt that tries to grab
The many trials that seem to never end, His word declares this truth,
that we will enter in this rest with wonders anew
But I hold on to this hope and the promise that He brings
That there will be a place with no more suffering
There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place, will be no more, we’ll see Jesus face to face
But until that day, we’ll hold on to you always
I know the journey seems so long
You feel your walking on your own
But there has never been a step
Where you’ve walked out all alone
Troubled soul don’t lose your heart
Cause joy and peace he brings
And the beauty that’s in store
Outweighs the hurt of life’s sting
I can’t wait until that day where the very one I’ve lived for always will wipe away the sorrow that I’ve faced
To touch the scars that rescued me from a life of shame and misery this is why this is why I sing….
There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place, will be no more, we’ll see Jesus face to face
There will be a day, He’ll wipe away the tears, He’ll wipe away the tears, He’ll wipe away the tears…..there will be a day
Sunday, November 9, 2008
3 Words
So i've invented a little experiment...for now i'll call it 3 words. So what you'll need to do is get a piece of paper, and for a month (you can do it for less or more) everyday write down 3 words that describe you for that day, make sure to date it. Make sense so far? For example, so 11/1 can be: cuckoo, excited, bewildered and 11/2 can be: tired, grumpy, busy. So i guess the object of this would be to look back on these at the end of the month and see the days where you were mostly negative or positive. If you have more negative things...maybe you can improve on the list next month, or better yet look back on them each day and see how you can remove those negative adjectives and replace them with positive ones. Or maybe it'll show you you're fualts or maybe like a friend said, "it shows how much more we need to be putting on Christ!". It can also remind us of how fun i had that day or week (if you have consecutive good adjectives)...or how bad that week is? hahaha sorry. But most honest with yourself!!!! This wont work if were not honest!!! Or will this even do any good period?? It's just something fun i thought of doing. We'll see where this little experiment takes us. I'll be sure to blog mine when this month is over(maybe)...but i'll be starting off with today, so it'll be a short month.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
5 Something
"Here i am, at your feet. In my brokeness, complete."
I have to admit that "THE ALYSSA RAE" was meant solely for the purpose of my photography and art. I also have to admit I'm no theologian, nor do i know any large or fancy words. But waking up at 5 something in the morning to my mother saying "Your uncle's having emergency surgery! Your father and I need to leave now, can you drop your sister off?...and Alyssa, please pray for him", has brought me to my knees, and there is no way i can just fall back asleep now. It's about 7 am, and i shall blog about it.
Last night i get an email saying someone has passed away. She was a young woman, and was simply driving home when it happened. This morning my uncle who has been in and out of the hospital since i can remember is back in but this time its worst than it's ever been. Usually when my mom comes in at 5 something in the morning and tells me something, my initial reaction is to ignore it, stay half awake and respond like I'm listening, "Yeah, yeah, uh huh, whatever.", and then I'm back asleep forgetting everything she said. This time, my sinful-selfish-half-awake-self wanted to respond like that, but it didn't happen, i awoke and was attentive to what she was telling me. This time my initial reaction was to pray. Pray for my Uncle's salvation, pray that these family members would find comfort in Christ, pray for the world's salvation, pray that God would give me the strength and use me to do His work! I have to admit, maybe i was a little bit sleepy when i was praying, but oh i was re-woken up again to the sound of the loud train's horn blowing rapidly 7 or 8 times, thinking "Huh, that's weird i never heard it sound that loud nor blow that many times. What if someone's in the way? Oh no! What if my parents are in the way? What if someone gets hurt?". Then the noise stopped and all i could do was pray...some more. I realized i don't pray as much as i should, nor do i share the gospel with others as much as i should. With people dying, or sick in the hospital, or caught even in a train wreck, you never know when your last breath is, but what we do know is that we're all in need of a Savior. The other night at TFC, a fellow servant shared to the students to not waste your life. Don't waste your youth, if you were saved at a young age, then praise God that he's using you at that age. Romans 1:6, we are not to be ashamed. We are called to do God's work and that includes sharing the gospel to ALL men. (Checking my pulse) Oh good, I'm still alive so that means God's not done using me. God has a purpose for me on this earth, because if i was useless and he didn't have any purpose for me, he'd probably take me by now. Paul stated in Acts,
I have to admit that "THE ALYSSA RAE" was meant solely for the purpose of my photography and art. I also have to admit I'm no theologian, nor do i know any large or fancy words. But waking up at 5 something in the morning to my mother saying "Your uncle's having emergency surgery! Your father and I need to leave now, can you drop your sister off?...and Alyssa, please pray for him", has brought me to my knees, and there is no way i can just fall back asleep now. It's about 7 am, and i shall blog about it.
Last night i get an email saying someone has passed away. She was a young woman, and was simply driving home when it happened. This morning my uncle who has been in and out of the hospital since i can remember is back in but this time its worst than it's ever been. Usually when my mom comes in at 5 something in the morning and tells me something, my initial reaction is to ignore it, stay half awake and respond like I'm listening, "Yeah, yeah, uh huh, whatever.", and then I'm back asleep forgetting everything she said. This time, my sinful-selfish-half-awake-self wanted to respond like that, but it didn't happen, i awoke and was attentive to what she was telling me. This time my initial reaction was to pray. Pray for my Uncle's salvation, pray that these family members would find comfort in Christ, pray for the world's salvation, pray that God would give me the strength and use me to do His work! I have to admit, maybe i was a little bit sleepy when i was praying, but oh i was re-woken up again to the sound of the loud train's horn blowing rapidly 7 or 8 times, thinking "Huh, that's weird i never heard it sound that loud nor blow that many times. What if someone's in the way? Oh no! What if my parents are in the way? What if someone gets hurt?". Then the noise stopped and all i could do was pray...some more. I realized i don't pray as much as i should, nor do i share the gospel with others as much as i should. With people dying, or sick in the hospital, or caught even in a train wreck, you never know when your last breath is, but what we do know is that we're all in need of a Savior. The other night at TFC, a fellow servant shared to the students to not waste your life. Don't waste your youth, if you were saved at a young age, then praise God that he's using you at that age. Romans 1:6, we are not to be ashamed. We are called to do God's work and that includes sharing the gospel to ALL men. (Checking my pulse) Oh good, I'm still alive so that means God's not done using me. God has a purpose for me on this earth, because if i was useless and he didn't have any purpose for me, he'd probably take me by now. Paul stated in Acts,
"But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God."Only by God's grace and mercy, am i given the strength to do the work of God. I have a sudden urge to serve. "Urge to Serve" that should be the title of something. I know this is completely opposite of what I'm talking about, but i think of that verse in James about how such a small flame can burn down a whole forest. But it's talking about how we can defile someone with our tongue and cause a fire. Well instead of using your tongue to defile someone, use it to spread the gospel! Make a use out of that, spreading the good news and worshipping Christ. That makes me think of that song..."These hands were made to praise you, these lips were made to lift you up. I give to you my life in worship." Now i don't know how to end these things, so i'll leave it at that.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Don't have a model to shoot? Use your favorite stuffed animal, or your sisters barbie. As you can see, i used my toy soldier that i won at Scandia. I had an assignment to take multiple photos that tell a story, and like the procrastinator i am...i didn't have time to ask my sister or anyone, so i used my toy soldier.

2 Timothy 2:3-4
"Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier."

"Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier."
Monday, October 20, 2008
Yes, we took it there...a birthday party for us 90's style! It was such a blessing to see everyone having fun that day! I'm so thankful it pulled through even though it was planned only a week before!


Monday, October 13, 2008
In light of halloween coming up, i thought i'd share this with you all.
The other day at TFC, i can't remember the exact question that was asked, but one of the girls in our discussion group answered it like this: "We're like a pumpkin, God comes in and removes all the bad stuff inside of us and carves us a new face. He then puts his light in us, so we can shine before all men." I know that wasn't word for word but you get the picture right? I thought that was something to blog about. And here's an idea, if you plan on carving pumpkins with your child for halloween, you can share with them the gospel while doing so!
Sorry no picture today!
The other day at TFC, i can't remember the exact question that was asked, but one of the girls in our discussion group answered it like this: "We're like a pumpkin, God comes in and removes all the bad stuff inside of us and carves us a new face. He then puts his light in us, so we can shine before all men." I know that wasn't word for word but you get the picture right? I thought that was something to blog about. And here's an idea, if you plan on carving pumpkins with your child for halloween, you can share with them the gospel while doing so!
Sorry no picture today!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Southern California
So I'm glad you still read my blog! Anyways, this past weekend i took a trip down to Southern California with one of my good friends Drea. It was a nice vacation to just get away from the bay area before i go back to school. This was something that was much needed for sure. We did a lot on this vacation such as stay in the dorms at Master's college while visiting a few CBC friends that go there, as well as drive down to San Diego and visit another friend and went to a local church there. So Cal is so much fun, i wouldn't mind living there!! I didn't want to go home! Well, of course i brought my camera so i thought i'd share a few favorite photos.

Monday, September 15, 2008
Tripod & Timer
Recently my family went to Napa to take family portraits. We took about 100 shots, honestly you can do this too! Besides the ones of my parents, I basically set up my tripod and put my camera on timer...simple. Take it into photoshop or any photo editor, click B&W and ta dah! you have a great family portrait!

you can view more of them here:

you can view more of them here:
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
One of my favorite songs. By Hillsong.
I just needed to store the lyrics somewhere for now =) Maybe i'll add to this blog someday.
Hide me now, under Your wings.
Cover me within Your mighty hand.
When the oceans rise
and thunders roar.
I will soar with You, above the storm
Father You are king over the flood,
I will be still and know You are God.
Find rest my soul in Christ alone,
Know his power, in quiteness and trust.
When the oceans rise
and thunders roar.
I will soar with You, above the storm
Father You are king over the flood,
I will be still and know You are God.
Nope, no picture tonight folks. Just this picture of Gods love.
I just needed to store the lyrics somewhere for now =) Maybe i'll add to this blog someday.
Hide me now, under Your wings.
Cover me within Your mighty hand.
When the oceans rise
and thunders roar.
I will soar with You, above the storm
Father You are king over the flood,
I will be still and know You are God.
Find rest my soul in Christ alone,
Know his power, in quiteness and trust.
When the oceans rise
and thunders roar.
I will soar with You, above the storm
Father You are king over the flood,
I will be still and know You are God.
Nope, no picture tonight folks. Just this picture of Gods love.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Don't worry folks, im still alive! People have been bugging me that i haven't been blogging in a while. Well here i am with nothing much to post. I went to the Aloha Festival with my familia and took a few pictures there. We also went to China Town and i enjoyed taking pictures there because of the buildings, the type, the colors...yeah thats all.


Monday, July 14, 2008
Contest of Champions
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Farmers Market
So i only had a 2 1/2 week break off for summer vacation. Yes, it's not that great and i go back next thursday. But anyways my summer vacation didnt really consist of anything too exciting. Yesterday i went to the Farmer's Market with a few friends if that counts as exciting? Haha, well heres some pictures from it.

Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Graphics 1
Friday, June 13, 2008
My Bad
Sorry i havent been blogging in a while! Yes, a lot has been happening in the life of alyssarae, but God is in control and i have confidence that he'll provide. Schools coming to an end, but i start back up in july. yay. Oh and also, i lost my job this week, bummer i know. Anyways, heres a picture like i promised...this one was taken at a friends house, i just learned how to make this happen...the key is slooooow shutter speed! enjoy! =)
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Julian's Graduation
Julian graduated a week ago. My first college graduation ever attended. Congrats Cal Maritime Academy. Here's some "blog worthy" photos from that day. Notice our lack of shade on the hottest day ever?! Oh and also, we were the only group with posters (coughimadethemcough) and might i add the loudest!

Sunday, April 20, 2008
So there was a fair at the marina in Vallejo. I really wanted to go and take some great pictures, especially at night. We went and i took a few pictures, not fully satisfied. I wish i got more night shots with the lights, but oh well. We only stayed there for like 10 minutes because it was the coldest and windiest day in Vallejo ever!!! Here's a few out of around 50 shots...let me know what you think! The black and whites were really taken in black and white.

Friday, April 18, 2008
So we had a softball outing for tfc & crossroads this past weekend. So far it has been the highlight of this year. I promise you it was sooo much fun, and everyone played!! What a great joy it was to see all the students just enjoying it all. And praise God for perfect weather that day!!! It wasn't super hot it was pretty much perfect! Of course i brought my camera! Here's some samples:
For more pictures go here:

For more pictures go here:

Saturday, April 12, 2008
hung up on
So before my eyes close, it's become a habit of mine to pull out my laptop and place it on my lap while i lay in bed. Whether it be a good or bad habit who knows, at least i can get some blogging done! hahaha. Anyways, today...or well yesterday (since its already 1:15 in the morning) was my first day of work at Quest Financial Services. It was very amusing and Praise God i work for someone who loves the Lord. I was just sooo excited when Uncle Omar asked if he can pray with us before we started work today. How awesome is that?!? Praying with your boss before work? It's great. So about the job...oh boy. It's real easy, just calling a handful of strangers and getting hung up on. But boy it is sooo funny the things some people would say. This guy named George actually started to converse with Jelissa and then towards the end he said "Oh well George is in Europe for a month". Silly George we know he was lying! This new tele-marketing job will sure test our patience, but i think i'm up for the challenge. Today we have a discipleship softball outing. OOh fun! Little does everyone know, but i am the most out of shape person out there...i don't even think i know HOW to work out let alone simple exercise. I know very bad right? I'd like to start exercising so i can stay fit and healthy. So tomorrow if you see me, don't laugh if i'm breathing hard within the first 2 minutes of the game! Dude, its so cool...i didnt realize how many people from church had blogs! Shout out to my homies! hahaha.
-Alyssa Rae
Alyssa: My mom named me after Alyssa Milano believe it or not
Rae: Take a wild dads name is ray.
-Alyssa Rae
Alyssa: My mom named me after Alyssa Milano believe it or not
Rae: Take a wild dads name is ray.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Long Beach
At night this place would light up with different colors. I called it "Mystery Island" because none of us knew what it was. It's like it came to life when the sun went down. Just imagine the sky pitch black and all you see is this island lit up with blues, reds, and purples. I wish i took a picture at night time to show you but this is all i have of "Mystery Island", a picture taken from the car.
The second picture was taken outside our window on the 16th floor at the Westin Hotel. It's just a picture of Long beach and to me it shows just how lively the city can be with all the different buildings. And i didnt want to touch up the photo because i wanted to show the beauty of air polution...haha.
First Written Blog
So as my first written blog i wish i could give you something entertaining or something juicy to read...but nope sorry i've got nothing. It's 12:37 AM, I've been pretty much staying up late for the past weeks enjoying it while i can. Yesterday, on tuesday, i just started this new blog deal. I think it's pretty exciting. I mainly wanted one for a place to store my photo's but i guess you can say im bored and thought i'd give you something to read. So what's been going on in my life you might ask? Well, i recently quit the infamous Big 5 job because they made a huge hissy fit about me not working sundays. But praise God that he's sovereign and takes care of his children. Last week i got hired to work for Uncle Omar as yes...a tele-marketer. A job is a job right? I'm happy and content, it's awesome that i'll be working for someone who is not only my boss but a brother in Christ! Oh, I go back to school on thursday. Sometimes school can be very hard and i lack the motivation to go. Especially now that i've found out that i'll be attending school this summer its kinda put a damper on me. It's a praise that since i'll be taking summer classes i'll be able to finish school by March 09 but i'm also praying that it wont affect summer ministries (Volleyball, summer camp, going to COV). But i keep reminding myself, all i have to do is endure through 1 more year and then i'm off into the real world, where sharks can bite, yay! Graduating at the age of 20?! Who would have known! Ok, well i think thats enough rambling for now. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs and looking at my photo's. I try.
=)Alyssa Rae
=)Alyssa Rae
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
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